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Find a Square Dance Class, Club, Event, or Caller Near You.

For Club Administrators, Callers, Event Organizers

Add Your Own FREE Listings!

To create listings, you must be a SquareDanceFun.com admin member. If already a member you can login to your account HERE. If not an admin member create a new admin account HERE.

Remember, our service is totally FREE!

Once you've logged into your account, you'll be able to:

  1. Learn How to Promote Your Class or Club
  2. Create and PRINT or EMAIL professional, quality, marketing materials. So far, we have the following features available for you:
  3. Create and Design For:

    1. Class Flyers (For Printing or Email)
    2. Free Lesson Passes (For Printing or Email)
    3. Class Information Coasters (Print & pass out to restaurants / coffee shops)
    4. Recipe Cards (Print and hand out)
    5. Business CARDS (with class info on them)

Give it a try. Once you've registered (created your admin account), it only takes a couple minutes to fill in the Class details and you're off and Promenading.